52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #8 Bread Crumb Shooter In most parks, usually you will run across birds, squirrels, ducks, geese, etc. and most of these creatures will always be willing to clean up the ground, so why not feed them while having a little fun? Who can shoot the bread balls the farthest? Our original inspiration came from The Come Together Kids blog, where Laura uses marsh mellows and Pom Poms, but since our games focus on activities your child(ren) can do in the stroller, we needed to be Eco-friendly. Target Age Group: 2-5 years old How to Play: Make it game. Who can shoot the bread crumbs the farthest? Give your child or children their own Bread Crumb Ball Shooter and a baggy with their bread balls in it. Rule #1: No shooting at your siblings or others faces. If so, the shooter is taken away and no fun should be had. Rule #2: No shooting at other people or other runners on the path. If so, the shooter is taken away and no fun should be had. Have them aim at the trees or have them launch their bread at the ducks. Your children will be imaginative and find ways to amuse themselves with the shooters. Plus, having the bread on hand is a good little snack for your little ones too. Preparation Time: 20 minutes minimum. I cannot predict the maximum preparation time because if your kids are interrupting you, it could take many hours or days to complete. Materials: Plastic cups (ours were 16 oz) Balloons ( ours were 12″) Slices of Bread or Croutons Painters or Packing Tape Scissors Bread Crumb Ball Shooter Instructions: 1. Cut the bottom part off of your plastic cup. I found...
52 Weeks: #7 Letters, Letters Everywhere...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #7 Letters, Letters Everywhere Letters, Letters Everywhere. When you run, you see letters on street signs, park signs, road signs, cars, stop signs, water fountains, bathrooms, etc. Why not utilize the endless amount of letters for a fun, letter learning game? To keep your little ones minds active and their hands too while you run – not to mention mommy and daddy’s sanity – this is a great way to help your children to recognize and learn their letters. Target Age Group: 2-5 years old How to Play: While heading out for your run, give your child the plate with the letters on it. Have them simply fold down the letter as they spot it in their surroundings. Give them a quick list of possible places they might spot letters. For example, on school buses, dump trucks, street signs, stop signs, stores, other runners clothes, park signs, playgrounds, cars and license plates. Once you become aware, you and your child will notices letters are everywhere. If you have an older child who is learning their phonics, consider sounding out the words and have them match the sound the letter makes to the letter, then have them fold the letter over on the plate. Preparation Time: 20 minutes minimum. I cannot predict the maximum preparation time because if your kids are interrupting you, it could take many hours or days to complete. Materials: Paper plates Scissors A Marker Cost: $0 Letters, Letters Everywhere Instructions: 1. Write letters around the edge of the plate. 2. Then cut in between each letter. 3. You can make one for upper case letters, lower case letters, shapes, sight words, numbers, and colors. The possibilities are endless. Disclaimer: Before incorporating any of these...
52 Weeks: #6 Winter Olympics Coloring Book...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #6 Winter Olympics Coloring Book What do the Olympics mean to you? Even though it’s Valentine’s Day, we are also in the height of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. What better way than running with your child(ren) to discuss sports and the importance of sportsmanship, work ethic and dreams? Being that the Stroller Runner Games focuses on activities that a child can do in the stroller while you run or walk; we thought combining the Olympics and coloring to create the FREE Winter Olympics Coloring Book. Plus, my kids love to color, whether it is with crayons, washable markers or colored pencils. I think sometimes they like coloring their bodies more than the paper, but its washable right? We found a great list from Classymommy.com of 15 Great Winter Olympic activities that led us to Activity Villages Olympic Coloring pages. NONE of these Printables are Run Stroller Run’s designs; we combined the Free Olympic Printables from Activity Villages Olympic Coloring and Classroom Jr.com pages into one file and reduced each picture to a 5×7 or smaller to create the FREE Winter Olympics Coloring Book. Note: You can find the actual size coloring pages from Activity Villages and Classroom Jr.com websites. Furthermore, we pinned their coloring pages to our Olympic Pinterest board. Target Age Group: 3-5 years old How to Play: In order for your child to color comfortably while in the jog stroller, you will need the following: 1 old, small metal cookie sheet or 1 small medal lunch box that can lie flat on their laps while in the stroller, or 1 small clipboard. 1 small package of crayons that can fit in the lunch box or in the stroller side pouches. I prefer the metal lunch...
52 Weeks: #5 Puzzle Love...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #5 Puzzle Love With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this week’s game is a puzzle that focuses on love and kindness. I appreciate that my children are very patient and endure long runs in the stroller, so I wanted to do a game that was personalized for both my children. My soon-to-be 4 year old and my now 1 year old loves puzzles, so after research and spending some time on Pinterest – probably too much time – I decided to make my own puzzle with Popsicle sticks and a picture of my kids and me. If your kids are anything like mine, they love personalized things. This is not an original idea; however, in order to ensure this is a game can be played while a child is bouncing around in a stroller, I did some modifications. Target Age Group: 3-5 years old How to Play Puzzle Love: In order to play the game, your child will need the following: 1 old, small, metal cookie sheet or 1, small metal lunch box that can lie flat on their laps while in the stroller. Bag(s) with the Popsicle Puzzle(s) in it. I prefer the metal lunch box. You can keep the puzzle(s) in the deep part of the lunch box and put the Popsicle Puzzle together on the metal lid. We always have to bring other toys with us on our adventures, and the lunch box is a great way to store those items as well. Have them put the puzzle together while you run in the stroller. Depending on your child’s age and concentration level, you might have to bring more than one puzzle to keep them occupied while running. Preparation Time: (1 -2 hours) To...
52 Weeks: #4 Scavenger Hunt...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #4 Scavenger Hunt FREE Printable Below Disney Cars has made another appearance this week. Doc Hudson’s Scavenger Hunt Printable is tailored more to objects you would find while running on a sidewalk or in neighborhood. The African Safari Scavenger Hunt Printable is geared more towards the runners who jog on park paths. This game is more advanced; it requires that your child can read basic words. However, my son is not yet four and is unable to read, so I read the items and we look for the objects together. Target Age Group: 3-5 years old How to Play: Print the Free Printable Scavenger Hunt pages. Laminate it for future use and provide a washable marker. However, if you do not trust your child with a washable marker, print out the Scavenger Hunt game when necessaryand provide your child with a crayon. Provide your child with the printable and explain to them when they find the item, put a check in the box. In my house, that generally means drawing a picture on top of the check box, but it works and keeps my child occupied longer. Preparation Time (More Advanced Game): 0-5 minutes time required (depends if you choose to laminate your sheets or not). Materials: Printable Scissors Washable Marker or Crayon Con-Tact Self Adhesive Lamination paper (optional) Cost: FREE w/printable no Laminate Paper With Laminate Paper: $3.59 Con-Tact $3.59 Disclaimer: Before incorporating any of these Stroller Runner Games, please ensure you warm up properly and stretch to avoid any injuries. For more Stroller Runner Games, please see the posts below. Introduction to 52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games Week 1: Red Light Green Light Week 2: I Spy Week 3: Find the Cars For more Run...
52 Weeks: #3 Find the Cars...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #3 Find the Cars FREE Printable Below Find the Cars was inspired by my 3 year old and his love for Disney Cars. He loves anything pertaining to transportation; he is all boy; planes, trains and automobiles. This game is an easy game to incorporate and extremely fun for any child who loves cars. Find the Cars will only work if you are running on a sidewalk where cars pass by or on a trail that is parallel with the road. If you are running through a park, this probably will not be the Stroller Game you will choose. For this workout, if your child is two years old or older, let your child participate in the squats and lunges portion of the workout. Most 2-4 years old like to get out and exercise and do what mommy and daddy do. Stroller Runner Workout From Jared at Tone and Tighten Warm up- 10 minutes 5 minutes of moderate walk, increase to a faster speed for the five remaining minutes. Cardio- 5 minutes Speed walking- Focus on taking as long of steps as you can- extend each leg as forward as possible. (Jog or run if you can- push yourself to go as hard as you can!) 20 Squat and Rolls Holding onto stroller handle, squat low and push stroller out as you move down. Pull stroller back towards you as you stand up. Cardio- 10 minutes Speed walking- Focus on taking as long of steps as you can- extend each leg as forward as possible. (Jog or run if you can- push yourself to go as hard as you can!) 20 Lunges Holding onto handle of stroller, pushing baby forward. 10 lunges on each side for 20 total. Cardio- 10 minutes Speed...
52 Weeks: #2 I Spy
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #2 I Spy “I Spy” is a family and stroller friendly game that is mostly played by children and can be enjoyed by anyone. Not only is a great game for the stroller, but for traveling long distances. Also, this game aids young children in becoming familiar with the alphabet, and also with observation. Prior to starting your run or while you are doing your warm-up, explain to your toddler the game you are planning to play and identify who will be player number one. Target Age Group: 2-4 years old How to Play: Identify whether you or your child is player 1. Player 1 looks for something in sight or is visible around them. This can be any object, whether it’s a certain building, toy, or article of clothing. Begin the game with saying, “I spy with my little eye, something that _____”. The blank can be any clue about the object, such as “starts with the letter H”, “is yellow”, or “is round”. With my little one, we try to use road signs, objects we see in nature, cars, etc. Then other player asks questions about the object. If there are more than two players (e.g. you have twins or stroller two toddlers around), have each person ask one question per turn. Some questions can be asked about the color, placement (where it is), size, etc. Make sure that the Player 1 answers with only a “yes” or “no”. Keep guessing until the correct object is picked. Preparation Time: 0 time required Disclaimer: Before incorporating any of these Stroller Runner Games, please ensure you warm up properly and stretch to avoid any injuries. For more Stroller Runner Games, please see the posts below. Introduction to 52...
52 Weeks: #1 Red Light, Green Light...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #1 Red Light, Green Light FREE Printable Below Stroller Runner Workout: 20 Minute Tempo workouts by using 10 x 20 seconds -1 (20 seconds – 1 minute on/20 seconds – 1 minute off). Of course, this may vary depending on how excited your child gets; it might be more like 20 seconds on/20 seconds off. 20 Seconds – 1 Minute on = Tempo run (Zone 4), a continuous runs at lactate threshold, near your one-hour race pace, which is a hard run. You most likely will be out of breath when you finish your 20 seconds to a minute on. 20 seconds -1 Minute off = Easy jog (Zone 2) Here is how to calculate your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate Training. The workout came from Greg McMillian, RunningTimes.com. When you run a this tempo workout, it’s important to remember that the “off” minute isn’t a slow jog but is run at your normal easy run pace. If you run too slowly on the “off” minute, you’ll end up running too fast on the “on” minute and change the session from a stamina workout to a speed workout. Over time, you’ll notice the pace stays pretty fast throughout with less variation between “on” and “off” minutes. That’s when you know you have it dialed in. Game Target Age Group: 2-4 years old How to Play (Basic): After a proper warm up, have your little one shout out “green light” to go. Run 1 minute on Tempo run with the stroller when he/she says “green light”. Teach your child early about “yellow light” – slow down. When you child yells, “yellow light”, do your 1 minute off (slow down the jog). This will make it easier on your body...
Top 25 Sports Movies
posted by Lara
Due to the cold winter months, you might be forced to exercise inside. Your motivation might be lacking while spinning on your bike, running on the treadmill or trekking on the elliptical. Here is our list of the Top 25 Sports Movies that will not only get you moving, but inspire you as well. Thank you to my husband, and my Google+ and Twitter followers for helping me compile this awesome list. Scroll past the slide show to view a description of each movie and to find out you where you can instantly view the movies. 1. Miracle This is my all time favorite. I own this movie and watch it at least once a quarter if not more. I generally watch this when I am preparing for a big race. Miracle was released in 2004, starring Kurt Russell, Miracle is an American biographical sports movie based on the story of a men’s hockey team in the United States led by Herb Brooks. It featured the events that had taken place before the team bagged the Winter Olympics gold medal in 1980. Available on: Netflix and Amazon Instant Video 2. Remember the Titans Not only do I love this movie, but this is a tribute to a former co-worker who passed in September 2012; he was one of the Original Titans’ Class of ’72. Remember the Titans was directed by Boaz Yakin and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, it is an American sports movie that was released in 2000 and was inspired from a screenplay written by Gregory Allen Howard. The film was a retelling of the story of African American coach Herman Boone, who struggled to unite the racially divided team of T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. Available on: Netflix and Amazon...
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games...
posted by Lara
Happy New Year! In 2014, Run Stroller Run is rolling out 52 weeks of Stroller Runner Games. Fun games that will keep your kids occupied while in the stroller. Some of the games might require your participation, but nothing that you won’t be able to handle while running. These Stroller Runner Games will be fun, educational but also will help the time pass quicker for both you and your kids. The games will be for children 0-5 years old, with a focus on 2- 4 year olds. In my opinion, 2- 4 year olds are the hardest to keep occupied while in a stroller. They are busy creatures and in my personal experience rarely nap in the stroller anymore. If you found Run Stroller Run and are not a stroller runner, these Stroller Runner Games can also be used for road trips or long airport waits. Every Friday I will put up a 52 weeks of Stroller Runner Games post where we can talk in the comments anything stroller running related. If you have suggestions for Stroller Runner Games, please comment below or send an email to lara@runstrollerrun.com. For more Run Stroller Run family and stroller friendly races updates, training woes, pictures and more, check out: Twitter: Run Stroller Run Twitter: Lara Coffee Facebook: Run Stroller Run Pinterest: Run Stroller Run Google+: Run Stroller Run Hashtag...
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