With the end of 2011 approaching rapidly, I finally got on the ball and finalized my 2012 race schedule not just for motivations purposes, but I needed to set goals other than trying to conceive our third child. After the birth our son in February 2010, Brett and I decided that over the course of the next couple of years, my triathlons would be limited to Sprints and Olympic (International) distances. Not would this allow me time to recover from the first pregnancy, but we knew we wanted to try for our second within a short period of time of having our first. Before getting into my race schedule let me give some background history. The 2010 season began; I received approval six weeks after giving birth from my doctor to begin exercising and four weeks later I was competing in my first triathlon of the season and to top it off it was my first Mother’s Day. Throughout the season, I competed in five triathlons (Sprint and Olympic) and two running races, while Brett completed in his first two half Ironman’s. When the season came to a close in late October 2010 – for me, I was almost ready to begin trying for a second baby. With a bit more convincing from my hubby, we began trying in January 2011. We are planners and very much goal oriented people, so Brett and I were trying to “ensure” the birth of the second child did not come to close to his first Ironman, which was held November 28, 2011. I really wanted to be there to support him. So low and behold, we got pregnant for the second time in May 2011. Perfect right?!?! I was due to give birth in February 2012, which...
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