With the year coming to a close, some people might be looking for a great organization to donate to and I wanted let you know about a phenomenal organization that does so much good, Stars For Stripes. In my opinion, I do not think that Stars For Stripes receives enough recognition, publicity and/or financial support. Stars For Stripes is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides quality, celebrity entertainment to remote overseas U.S .military bases. In more than 700 such remote bases around the globe that isolation can eat at not only the morale of those stationed there but also their basic psyche which can have a direct impact on their ability to accomplish their mission. Reducing that impairment is the mission of Stars For Stripes. I have learned over the years, if you do not publicize; no one will know. And if you do not ask; no one will give. So here I am doing both. Of course, I can talk about a hundred more worthy causes and a handful that I donate both time and money to that are just as worthy of a blog post, but unfortunately, this would make for an extremely long blog. In full disclosure, I am on the Board of Directors for Stars For Stripes but I have been involved with Stars For Stripes a lot longer than I have been a board member. I met Stars For Stripes President Judy Seale while I was the Executive Director of a nonprofit SemperComm that too supported U.S. overseas remote military bases by providing communications and entertainment equipment to the troops. Right away we clicked. We both were supporters of the military and we both believed that regardless of where service members are stationed and how remote they were...
Restroom Advertisements. What?!?!...
posted by Lara
Don’t you think a great place to advertise would be in a public restroom, especially in the women’s restroom on the stall doors? Can you say, “Captive audience.” What a better place to pitch a product to a consumer? It is great ad space that can be sold at a premium in high traffic areas. Restroom advertisements, why not? According to Brandchannel, a 2006 study shows that around three-quarters of diners in a restaurant will go to the toilets at some point during their meal. Clubbers go around 2.9 times during an average evening at a nightclub. I am sure in the past five years this number has increased. Unfortunately, I can count on one hand how many times I seen a company utilize this space. Prior to writing this post, I did several Google searches for ‘bathroom advertising’, ‘restroom advertising’, ‘bathroom stall advertising’, and ‘indoor advertising’, and I only found two posts that were relevant from this past year and five post that were relevant in the past six years. So I ask, “What is a better place to pitch a product to a consumer?” Of course, there are quite a few factors that go into determining if this unconventional medium is for a company, but I believe consumers would be receptive to messages in the bathroom. During the short period of time people are in there, they tend to concentrate more, ruminate in their thoughts, and enjoy momentary peace and quiet. And I believe it is better to have people reading and taking in a company’s message versus using their phones while in the public restroom and announcing to everyone their private business. If you agree with me on this idea, in order to advertise properly and ensure the correct message...
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