Ironman Florida Here I Come Pubic Bone Stress Fracture or Not
So for the past 12 months, I have not written anything on my blog about my Ironman journey; however, today I felt compelled to do so because it is getting close, I am nervous and I was told today I might have a pubic bone stress fracture.
Yes, 22 days until Ironman Florida and I was told today by my chiropractor, “you might have the beginning of a stress fracture on your pubic bone and you have a minor case of tendinitis in your abductor.” Yes, really a stress fracture in my pubic bone; really?!?! My hubby who was trying to make light of the situation said, “I might actually win the weirdest injury award for the season.”
What is a pubic bone stress fracture, you might ask? It is a condition characterized by an incomplete crack in one of the pelvic bones.
What causes a pelvic bone stress fracture? According to several sources, a pelvic stress fracture typically occurs over time with excessive weight bearing activity such as running, sprinting, jumping or dancing. They often occur following a recent increase in activity or change in training conditions (such as surface, footwear or technique changes etc) and are particularly common in long distance runners. Occasionally they may occur due to repetitive kicking in sports such as football or soccer. Pelvic stress fractures may also occur in women, following pregnancy, who commence excessive weight bearing activity without adequate pelvic and core stability.
I attribute, mine to the last factor, following pregnancy I started training for the Ironman without adequate pelvic and core stability. I gave birth to my daughter a little over 13 months ago and started training for Ironman Florida three months post pregnancy.
My chiropractor’s goal is get me to the start and finish line of Ironman Florida. Being an Xterra World Champion herself, she knows how to get it done; therefore, when she said to me you are not racing this weekend; I am begrudging listening. I was scheduled to race a ½ Ironman distance this weekend, which I was not originally over thrilled to do; I did not want to mess with my head especially if something terrible went wrong and I had a bad race. However, now that she told me I cannot race, I want to do it more than anything.
Any one that has ever played soccer with me or ran marathons with me or raced in triathlons with me might know that one motivating factor that drives me to succeed is when someone tells me I cannot do something. So now with unexpected incentive, I am going to try to take this in stride and use this motivation to fuel me in the pool. Yes, the next couple of days – maybe even a week – the pool and I will be best of friends and chlorine will be my new perfume. In the grand scheme of things, I know I need to get healthy and maintain fitness for 22 more days. Then regardless of the state of my injury, I will embrace the pain, endure the waves and wind, and celebrate my teammates and my finish.
Ironman Florida, I am still coming for you.
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Oh no!!!! Good news is that it’s so close to the race you are ready! So take the time to heal and know that you will get there.
Does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Sounds painful!
Yes, I believe I am ready and perhaps with the extra rest, it will be a better race than expected.
It hurts right at the sit bone, when you sit back on the saddle. It is very located spot and basically only hurts when I touch it or sit on my bike. We shall see. I am trying not to stress too much because the one thing I can do is rest, do core workout and swim to keep my body moving.
Hey Lara, how’s the healing coming along. Your story mirrors mine, albeit I was 6 weeks before my first (planned) IM. I’m 2-weeks into initial diagnosis (via MRI). 8-weeks of no running, riding and 4 weeks off swimming for me. It’s character building! Lee
Hi Lee. I am sorry about your diagnosis. I have not written my IM Florida race report, but I finished it and strong. My injury was not healed when I raced, but I had no pain. I had ART for 3 days a week for nearly 4 weeks leading up to IMFL on my leg. Two week before, I got the go ahead to do the following: walk 10 minutes, run 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes, run 5 minutes, walk 2 minutes, run 7 minutes, walk 2 minutes, run 9 minutes, walk 2 minutes… I did up to running 20 minutes at a time that weekend and it was awesome. Let me say the injury allowed me to relieve the time pressure I put on myself because I was happy I was just able to compete. Good luck.