Athletes are not the only ones who need a race bag. When spectating with kids, especially babies and toddlers, you need to ensure you have a bag that can carry all your spectating equipment. Click here for your must have check...
What is a Stroller-Friendly Race?...
posted by Lara
A stroller-friendly race is a running race that allows parents to walk, jog or race with a stroller. These races are not specific running races for strollers to race one another or have specific categories for “strollers” like age group categories, but just to allow running parents to participate with their child in a stroller. We have found races in all distances (e.g., marathons, half marathons, 10k, 5k, etc.) that allow Stroller Runners. To read more, click here for the entire...
Top Recommeded Features When Buying a Jog Stroller...
posted by Lara
Are you in the market for a jog stroller, here are our top recommended features to look for when purchasing a jog stroller. Read the article in full at Run Stroller...
Should Kids Get Race Medals?...
posted by Lara
Should kids get medals for participating in a race. Here the reasons why I think kids should receive...
52 Weeks: #16 Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Course...
posted by Lara
Stroller Runner Game 52 Weeks: #16 Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Course was originally posted on Run Stroller Run. Click on the photo to take you to the...
How To Run A Stroller Friendly Race for Beginners...
posted by Lara
New parents looking to get active with their baby, here is my most recent advice on finding a stroller friendly race recently published on Let Mommy...
Exciting News! Run Stroller Run’s New Website Launched...
posted by Lara
Exciting News! As most of you know, I have been posting a number of stroller running posts here, and was redirected here to my personal web site. Well, I am very excited to let you all know that Run Stroller Run’s new website has launched! I started Run Stroller Run after a January 2013 post on how difficult it was to find stroller-friendly races. It seems I wasn’t alone, based on the outpouring of interest from racers to race directors and running companies of all types. We started our interactive stroller-friendly calendar in April 2013, and plans have been afoot to put our offerings on a really top-notch platform. So many people were inquiring about stroller-friendly races throughout the United States – and now the world – I felt it was important that Run Stroller Run have its own dedicated site. Well, now that Run Stroller Run’s new website has launched, we can really provide the most comprehensive collection of stroller-friendly races in the world in its own website. Our first step is to ensure all races provided on our site are stroller-friendly, family-friendly or kid-friendly. Our next big push will be providing a Race Rating feature whereby, race participants can provide feedback on the races, facilities, race directors, kid’s activities, etc. By the end of 2014, we hope to roll out our Run Stroller Run stroller-friendly, family-friendly and/or kid-friendly race certification; whereby race directors will be able to certify their race(s) as “stroller-friendly”, “family-friendly” and/or “kid-friendly” race. Once the race(s) is approved and certified by our team of experts, the race directors will receive a Run Stroller Run seal to be used on their websites and other race materials, giving you the participants the ability to automatically recognizes races as stroller-friendly, family-friendly...
52 Weeks: #8 Bread Crumb Ball Shooter...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #8 Bread Crumb Shooter In most parks, usually you will run across birds, squirrels, ducks, geese, etc. and most of these creatures will always be willing to clean up the ground, so why not feed them while having a little fun? Who can shoot the bread balls the farthest? Our original inspiration came from The Come Together Kids blog, where Laura uses marsh mellows and Pom Poms, but since our games focus on activities your child(ren) can do in the stroller, we needed to be Eco-friendly. Target Age Group: 2-5 years old How to Play: Make it game. Who can shoot the bread crumbs the farthest? Give your child or children their own Bread Crumb Ball Shooter and a baggy with their bread balls in it. Rule #1: No shooting at your siblings or others faces. If so, the shooter is taken away and no fun should be had. Rule #2: No shooting at other people or other runners on the path. If so, the shooter is taken away and no fun should be had. Have them aim at the trees or have them launch their bread at the ducks. Your children will be imaginative and find ways to amuse themselves with the shooters. Plus, having the bread on hand is a good little snack for your little ones too. Preparation Time: 20 minutes minimum. I cannot predict the maximum preparation time because if your kids are interrupting you, it could take many hours or days to complete. Materials: Plastic cups (ours were 16 oz) Balloons ( ours were 12″) Slices of Bread or Croutons Painters or Packing Tape Scissors Bread Crumb Ball Shooter Instructions: 1. Cut the bottom part off of your plastic cup. I found...
52 Weeks: #7 Letters, Letters Everywhere...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #7 Letters, Letters Everywhere Letters, Letters Everywhere. When you run, you see letters on street signs, park signs, road signs, cars, stop signs, water fountains, bathrooms, etc. Why not utilize the endless amount of letters for a fun, letter learning game? To keep your little ones minds active and their hands too while you run – not to mention mommy and daddy’s sanity – this is a great way to help your children to recognize and learn their letters. Target Age Group: 2-5 years old How to Play: While heading out for your run, give your child the plate with the letters on it. Have them simply fold down the letter as they spot it in their surroundings. Give them a quick list of possible places they might spot letters. For example, on school buses, dump trucks, street signs, stop signs, stores, other runners clothes, park signs, playgrounds, cars and license plates. Once you become aware, you and your child will notices letters are everywhere. If you have an older child who is learning their phonics, consider sounding out the words and have them match the sound the letter makes to the letter, then have them fold the letter over on the plate. Preparation Time: 20 minutes minimum. I cannot predict the maximum preparation time because if your kids are interrupting you, it could take many hours or days to complete. Materials: Paper plates Scissors A Marker Cost: $0 Letters, Letters Everywhere Instructions: 1. Write letters around the edge of the plate. 2. Then cut in between each letter. 3. You can make one for upper case letters, lower case letters, shapes, sight words, numbers, and colors. The possibilities are endless. Disclaimer: Before incorporating any of these...
52 Weeks: #5 Puzzle Love...
posted by Lara
52 Weeks of Stroller Runner Games: #5 Puzzle Love With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this week’s game is a puzzle that focuses on love and kindness. I appreciate that my children are very patient and endure long runs in the stroller, so I wanted to do a game that was personalized for both my children. My soon-to-be 4 year old and my now 1 year old loves puzzles, so after research and spending some time on Pinterest – probably too much time – I decided to make my own puzzle with Popsicle sticks and a picture of my kids and me. If your kids are anything like mine, they love personalized things. This is not an original idea; however, in order to ensure this is a game can be played while a child is bouncing around in a stroller, I did some modifications. Target Age Group: 3-5 years old How to Play Puzzle Love: In order to play the game, your child will need the following: 1 old, small, metal cookie sheet or 1, small metal lunch box that can lie flat on their laps while in the stroller. Bag(s) with the Popsicle Puzzle(s) in it. I prefer the metal lunch box. You can keep the puzzle(s) in the deep part of the lunch box and put the Popsicle Puzzle together on the metal lid. We always have to bring other toys with us on our adventures, and the lunch box is a great way to store those items as well. Have them put the puzzle together while you run in the stroller. Depending on your child’s age and concentration level, you might have to bring more than one puzzle to keep them occupied while running. Preparation Time: (1 -2 hours) To...
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