Submit A Stroller Friendly Race Here...

I normally do not announce a new page on my site via a blog post, but I wanted to share with you that you can now submit a Stroller Friendly Race via the Race Submission page.  If you know of a race that is stroller friendly or you think one might be – but not sure – I would encourage you to submit the Race Here. Once a submission is received, I will verify with the race director that the race is stroller friendly and then add it to the calendar and blog post. Please be patient. The race might not be added right away because it might take awhile for the race director to get back to me. So far, there are more than 1000 races throughout the United States that have been identified as Stroller Friendly and we have not even got through half the States.  Thank you for all your support in making the Stroller Friendly Race calendar comprehensive....