Snotsucker better known as Mommy

As a mom, I have done things I never thought I would such as sucking the snot out of my child’s nose. old.  I swore before ever having children that I would never use the NoseFrida Snotsucker. Yes, I said Snotsucker. Really, why and I talking about snot much less sucking snot out?   Unfortunately, one of the responsibilities listed in my job description as mommy is “snotsucker” and I take it serious when my baby gets a cold.  I am sure as you are reading this, you are either saying, “eww gross” or “I would never” because like me, the thought of sucking snot out from your child’s nose with your mouth grosses you out .  Well, I said in the past, “Never say never” and I have written in previous post that I have done things as a parent I “never” thought I would, this being one of them.

We had our second child in September and since her birth, she has always been stuffed up, which made for breathing difficulty. After using several aspirators over the course of the last three months to help clear the snot and “boogies” out of her nose, I decided there had to be a better solution. Using the bulb aspirators, I would spend minutes just trying to get some of the snot out and not enough to even make her breathe easier.  Plus, I am not sure if you ever tried getting snot out of a moving infant, it is like trying to play pin the tail on the donkey after you had a few glasses of wine. Lil’ Ace (of course not her real name) would squirm anytime she saw me come close to her nose with an aspirator and it would take, what seemed like minutes, to even make contact with her nose. In December, I broke down and bought the NoseFrida Snotsucker and it was the best $15 purchase. She could finally breathe. It is not pleasant and no, Lil’ Ace hates it, but I am able to get the snot out quickly and more of it at a time.  I can tell it does because I can actually see the snot collecting in the blue tube and no snot even comes close to my mouth.Snotsucker

Of course, my hubby reminds me that I said I would “never” use it. Although, he likes the results of the nose sucker, I am not sure he is quite ready to delve into sucking the snot out yet, which I understand because the “concept”  still grosses me out.  However, I am sure if he really needed to, he would because that is the kind of daddy he is.

The NoseFrida Snotsucker might not look like much, but it works great. It is $15 and can be purchased at most stores tailored to babies such as Babies R’Us and Buy Buy Baby; of course, you can purchase it online at,

Next time your baby can’t breathe and you are using that nice green aspirator the hospital gave you and it is not working, go purchase one of these.

If you need help using it, here is a video by another mom on how to use it.


Notes from the Manufacturer

Nosefrida The Snotsucker, the doctor-developed and doctor-recommended nasal aspirator is the new standard in keeping babies naturally snot free. Ingeniously simple Swedish design features a tube that is placed against the nostril (not inside). Parents use their own suction to draw mucus out of their child’s nose. Disposable filters prevent any bacterial transfer. Nosefrida is easy to clean, dishwasher safe, and BPA and Phthalate free. It is superior to the bulb aspirator, presents no risk or harm to internal nasal structures and is dramatically more efficacious.

Please note, I do not work for or receive any free products from NoseFrida. I am just a mom that likes to share my experiences with other parents. I am one proud Snotsucker and I go by Mommy in my house.